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Код товара: 135169281
Wildwood: The Wildwood Chronicles: Book 1 #1

Wildwood: The Wildwood Chronicles: Book 1

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9780062024688, 006202468X
Год выпуска
Язык издания
Автор на обложке
Colin Meloy

О книге

Prue McKeel's life is ordinary. At least until her brother is abducted by a murder of crows and taken to the Impassable Wilderness, a dense, tangled forest on the edge of Portland. No one's ever gone
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Prue McKeel's life is ordinary. At least until her brother is abducted by a murder of crows and taken to the Impassable Wilderness, a dense, tangled forest on the edge of Portland. No one's ever gone in – or at least returned to tell of it.
So begins an adventure that will take Prue and her friend, Curtis, deep into the Impassable Wilderness. There they uncover a secret world in the midst of violent upheaval—a world full of warring creatures, peaceable mystics, and powerful figures with the darkest intentions. And what begins as a rescue mission becomes something much greater, as the two friends find themselves entwined in a struggle for the very freedom of this wilderness. A wilderness the locals call Wildwood.
Wildwood is a spellbinding tale full of wonder, danger, and magic that juxtaposes the thrill of a secret world and modern city life. Original and fresh yet steeped in classic fantasy, this is a novel could have only come from the imagination of Colin Meloy, celebrated for his inventive and fantastic storytelling as the lead singer of the Decemberists. Wildwood is truly a new classic for the twenty-first century.
9780062024688, 006202468X
Год выпуска
Balzer + Bray
Язык издания
Автор на обложке
Colin Meloy
Тип обложки
Твердый переплет
Количество страниц
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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  • Balzer + Bray Издательство
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