Johann Christian Konrad von Hofmann

Johann Christian Konrad von Hofmann

Johann Christian Konrad von Hofmann (December 21, 1810 - December 20, 1877), Lutheran theologian and historian, was born at Nuremberg, and studied theology and history at the university of Erlangen.

In 1829 he went to Berlin, where Schleiermacher, Hengstenberg, Neander, Ranke and Raumer were among his teachers. In 1833 he received an appointment to teach Hebrew and history in the gymnasium of Erlangen. In 1835 he became Repetent, in 1838 "Privatdozent" and In 1841 professor extraordinarius in the theological faculty at Erlangen.

In 1842 he became professor ordinarius at Rostock, but in 1845 returned once more to Erlangen as the successor of Gottlieb Christoph Adolf von Harless, founder of the "Zeitschrift für Protestantismus und Kirche", of which Hofmann became one of the editors in 1846, J. F. Höfling (1802-1853) and Gottfried Thomasius (1802-1875) being his collaborators. He was a conservative in theology, but an enthusiastic adherent of the progressive party in politics, and sat as member for Erlangen and Fürth in the Bavarian second chamber from 1863 to 1868.

He wrote:
*"Die siebzig Jahre des Jeremias u. die siebzig Jahrwochen des Daniel" (1836)
*"Geschichte des Aufruhrs in den Cevennen" (1837)
*"Lehrbuch der Weltgeschichte fur Gymnasien" (1839), which became a text-book in the Protestant gymnasia of Bavaria
*"Weissagung u. Erfullung im allen u. neuen Testamente" (1841-1844; 2nd ed., 1857-1860)
*"Der Schriftbeweis" (1852-1856; 2nd ed., 1857 1860)
*"Die heilige Schrift des neuen Testaments zusanimenhangend untersucht" (1862-1875)
*"Schutzschriften" (1856-1859), in which he defends himself against the charge of denying the Atonement
*"Theologische Ethik" (1878)His most important works are the five last named. In theology, as in ecclesiastical polity, Hofmann was a Lutheran of an extreme type, although the strongly marked individuality of some of his opinions laid him open to repeated accusations of heterodoxy. He was the head of what has been called the Erlangen School, and in his day he was unquestionably the chief glory of the University of Erlangen (Lichtenberger).

See the articles in Herzog-Hauck's "Realencyklopädie" and the "Allgemeine deutsche Biographie"; and cf. F Lichtenberger, "History of German Theology in the Nineteenth Century" (1889) pp. 446-458.----

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