

Infobox Top level domain

type=Country code top-level domain
registry=NIC PE
sponsor=Red Cientifica Peruana
intendeduse=Entities connected with flag|Peru
actualuse=Very popular in Peru
restrictions=Varying depending on which second-level domain registration is within
structure=Registrations are made at the third level beneath second-level names
document= [http://www.nic.pe/normas-proced.htm Rules]
disputepolicy= [http://www.nic.pe/data-nor-procedopos.htm Opposition policy]
website= [http://www.nic.pe/ Nic.Pe] |

.pe is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Peru and is managed by the Red Científica Peruana (RCP).

Second-level domains

Registrations are limited to third level domains under these second level domains:

* edu.pe: Educational Institutions of Peru
* gob.pe: Government of Peru
* nom.pe: Individuals from Peru
* mil.pe: Military of Peru
* sld.pe: Health System of Peru
* org.pe: Organizations of Peru
* com.pe: Commercial entities of Peru
* net.pe: Network providers of Peru

Starting from December 8 2007 the registry will accept registrations directly at the second level. During a transitional period holders of third level domains will be able to claim their name equivalent under .pe.

External links

* [http://www.iana.org/root-whois/pe.htm IANA .pe whois information]
* [http://www.nic.pe .pe domain registration website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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