European Route of Industrial Heritage

European Route of Industrial Heritage

The European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH) is a network of the most important Industrial Heritage sites in Europe. The aim of the project is to create interest for the common European Heritage of the Industrialization and its remains. ERIH also wants to promote regions, towns and sites showing the industrial history and market them as visitor attractions in the leisure and tourism industry.

Anchor Points

The – virtual – main route is built by the so-called Anchor Points. These are Industrial Heritage sites which are the historically most important and most attractive for visitors. In a first step the route leads through Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany.

Regional Routes

Regional Routes (like the Route der Industriekultur in the Ruhr) cover regions as where industrial history has left its mark.

European Theme Routes

Ten European Theme Routes show the diversity of industrial landscapes all over Europe and the common roots of industrial history:
* Mining: The treasures of the Earth
* Iron & Steel: The glow of the blast furnaces
* Textiles: From fibre to fabrique
* Production: Goods for the world
* Energy: What makes us go
* Transport & Communication: The tracks of the Industrial Revolution
* Water: Blue Gold
* Housing & Architecture
* Service & Leisure Industry
* Industrial Landscapes

External links

* [ ERIH - European Route of Industrial Heritage]

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