List of fictional islands

List of fictional islands

Below is a list of islands that have been invented for films, literature, television, or other media.


* Absolom: a prison island in the movie "Escape from Absolom"
* Al Amarja: Mediterranean island state in the "Over the Edge" roleplaying game
* Altruria: from the novel "A Traveler from Altruria" by William Dean Howells
* Amity Island: from the book and film "Jaws"
* Angel Island: the primary location of the "Sonic the Hedgehog series" of video games
* Ape Atoll: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Ape Island: from "The Simpsons"
* Atlantis: from the dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" by Plato
* "Atoll K": from Laurel and Hardy's last movie
* Azkaban: island prison in the "Harry Potter" series
* Bali Hai: the mysterious island in South Pacific and The Tales of the South Pacific
* Bahavia: a parody of Bavaria where the Paroom family e.g. Meena Paroom come from in the disney channel original series Cory in the House
* Balamb Island: from "Final Fantasy VIII"
* Battle Frontier: from "Pokemon Emerald"
* Benne Seed Island: an island off the coast of South Carolina near Charleston, where Polly O'Keefe and her family live in several novels by Madeleine L'Engle
* Bensalem: from "The New Atlantis" by Francis Bacon
* Besaid: from "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2"
* Bikanel: from "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2"
* Blefuscu: from the novel "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
* Booty Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean in the game "", part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
* Britannula: setting of the novel "The Fixed Period" by Anthony Trollope
* C island: from Startropics nintendo game
* Cactuar Island: from "Final Fantasy VII" and "Final Fantasy VIII"
* Cairn Isle: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Candy Apple Island: "The Simpsons"
* Carlotta: small island off the coast of Peru in the movie "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"
* Cascara: main setting of the film Water
* Castaway Island: where the castaways live in Pirate Islands
* Clanbronwyn: a small island off the coast of Anglesey in the adventure game "Trilby's Notes"
* Coral Island: from the boy's book by R. M. Ballantyne
* Corto Maltese: from "" comics
* Crab Island: poor Caribbean island shaped like a crab, under the domination of Crocodile Island, in the "Patrouille des Castors" comics
* Crab Island: an island in the Caribbean Sea, from the children's novel "Peter Duck" by Arthur Ransome
* Crab Key: Dr. No's hideout in the first James Bond movie.
* Craggy Island (off the coast of Ireland): setting of sitcom "Father Ted"
* Crandor: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Crocodile Island: Caribbean island shaped like a crocodile, with a dictatorial government which seems to be heavily influenced by Tahiti, in the "Patrouille des Castors" comics
* Crusoeland: another name for Atoll K
* Dargenk Island: the island holding the Falok Empire's base.
* Dazhi Island: from the novel "The Return of the Condor Heroes" by Jinyong
* Deist: from "Final Fantasy II"
* Destiny Islands: from the video game "Kingdom Hearts"
* "Dinotopia"
* "Dolphin Island": (off Australia) in the novel by Arthur C. Clarke
* Dragon Roost Island: from the Nintendo Gamecube game ""
* Dragon, Tiger & Turtle Islands: in the children's novel "Missee Lee" by Arthur Ransome
* Easter Island: from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (the fact it shares a name with Earth's Easter Island is a meaningless coincidence)
* Egret Island: from the novel "The Mermaid Chair"
* Entrana: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Eureka: from the movie "Eureka"
* "Fantasy Island"
* Finnigan Island: the island where John Patterson and one of his friends washed up on during a big storm in the 1999 cartoon of "For Better Or For Worse"
* Flyspeck Island: from "Curtis"
* Gaea: an island off the coast of Portugal in the novel "The Arm of the Starfish" by Madeleine L'Engle, named for the Greek "Earth Mother" goddess Gaea
* Genosha: from Marvel Comics
* "Gilligan's Island"
* Grand Nixon Island: from Marvel Comics
* [ Gravett Island] , the destination of escape pods from the USS "Enterprise"-E starship in the movie "".
* Great Todday (Todaidh Mór): island in the Hebrides, companion of Little Todday in the novel "Whisky Galore" by Compton Mackenzie
* Haleakaloa: island in French Polynesia in the movie "Donovan's Reef"
* Hi-aiy: where Rhinogrades once lived
* Huella Islands: islands off the coast of Cayenne, mentioned in the Hardy Boys books. They are ruled by a dictator, Juan Posada and their "spy chief" is named Bedoya. The adjective is "Huellan".
* Ice and Fire Island: from the novel "The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Saber" by Jinyong
* L'île aux Enfants: from the French TV show "L'île aux Enfants"
* Indian Island: from Agathe Christie's novel "And Then There Were None"
* "The Island of Dr. Moreau": novel by H. G. Wells
* The Island of Time: from the video game ""
* Isla Cruces: the island where Davy Jones' heart was kept in ""
* Isla de Muerta: the island where Captain Barbossa and his crew hid their gold at in "", starring Johnny Depp
* Isla Los Organos: the location of the gene therapy clinic in Die Another Day, where bond finds Zao.
* Island of Domination: Subject of a Judas Priest song from their album "Sad Wings of Destiny".
* Isla Nublar: site of InGen's "Jurassic Park"
* Isla Sorna: site of InGen's "Site B" ("The Lost World" and "Jurassic Park III")
* Isle Delfino: setting of "Super Mario Sunshine"
* Isle de Gambino: an island town from the online community Gaia Online
* Jambalaya Island: an ex-pirate island in the Caribbean, turned to a tourist attraction center, in the game "Escape from Monkey Island"
* Javasu: an island in the Indian Ocean, the alleged country of "Princess Caraboo"
* Karamja: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Keelhaul Key: from the video game ""
* Kilika: from "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2"
* Kinakuta: island state in Southeast Asia of Neal Stephenson's novel "Cryptonomicon". Compare Queena-Kootah in Neal Stephenson's novel "The Confusion"
* Kitchen Island: from the Wario Land series
* Koholint Island: from the video game ""
* ""Kokovoko"" from the Herman Melville novel Moby-Dick (Queequeq is from Kokovoko)
* Krawk Island: an island in Neopia
* Lapak: from the novel "Alaska" by James A. Michener
* Lavalava Island: from the video game "Paper Mario"
* Leshp: from "Discworld" series by Terry Pratchett
* Liberty City: from the Grand Theft Auto series
* Lilliput: from the novel "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
* Lincoln Island: from Jules Verne's novel "The Mysterious Island"
* Lingshe Island: in the novel "The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Saber" by Jinyong
* Little Todday (Todaidh Beag): an island in the Hebrides, companion of Great Todday in the novel "Whisky Galore" by Compton Mackenzie
* LOST Island: The Island that the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 crash on in "Lost"
* Lucre Island: a pirate island in the game "Escape from Monkey Island"
* Lutari Island: an island in Neopia
* Mallet Island: from "Devil May Cry"
* Mardi archipelago: from Herman Melville's "Mardi and a Voyage Thither"
* Mata Nui: from "Bionicle"
* Mêlée Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean the "Monkey Island" games, part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
* Membata: The Island on "Lost" that the Oceanic 6 claim to have crashed on.
* Metru Nui: from "Bionicle"
* Moahu: island in the Pacific encountered in Patrick O'Brian's novels, "The Wine-Dark Sea" and "The Truelove"
* Moesko Island: from the movie "The Ring"
* Monsterland / Monster Island: from the "Godzilla" series
* Muir Island: from Marvel Comics
* Mypos: Greek island homeland of Balki Bartokomous in "Perfect Strangers"
* Myst: from the adventure computer game "Myst"
* Mystery Island: an island in Neopia
* Neverland: an island that apparently exists outside of time, as its inhabitants never age or die, from the "Peter Pan" books and movies
* N. Sanity Island: the home of Crash Bandicoot in the video game of the same title
* Isle of Naboombu: kingdom of anthropomorphic animals in the Disney film "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"
* Nomanisan Island: widely accepted term for the island in "The Incredibles"
* Nontoonyt Island: from the adventure computer game "Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)"
* Númenor: home of the Dúnedain before their downfall in J. R. R. Tolkien's "Middle-earth"
* Okishima Island: from the novel "Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami and the film "Battle Royale" by Kinji Fukasaku
* Olympus: an artificial island nation, run by genetic modified humans and advanced technology, "Appleseed" manga
* Orange Islands: an extensive island chain consisting of various active islands, "Pokemon anime"
* Outset Island:, the home of Link in the Nintendo Gamecube Game ""
* Oxbay: a small colony island in "Pirates of the Caribbean" video game
* Pala: island utopia in Aldous Huxley's "Island"
* Peacock Island: the legendary island the deranged Major Lebedeen wants to escape to in "One of the Guys" by Robert Clark Young
* Pescepada Island: from the movie "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"
* Phatt Island: an island in the Caribbean in the game ""
* Ping Islands: from the movie "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"
* Plunder Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean in the game "The Curse of Monkey Island", part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
* Pokoponesia: island nation from the animated version of "The Tick"
* Prawn Island: from ' and '
* Qwghlm: a pair of British islands in the novels of Neal Stephenson
* "'R'lyeh: The home of Cthulhu in H. P. Lovecraft's fiction
* Rockfort Island: from the video game ""
* Roo Island: an island in Neopia
* Round Island: from the video game "Final Fantasy VII"
* Rugged Island: from the sitcom "Father Ted", next door to Craggy Island
* San Andreas: from ""(Also is a REAL Island ownd by Columbia)
* San Esperito: from the video game "Just Cause"
* San Lorenzo: the setting for much of Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Cat's Cradle"
* San Piedro Island, Washington: from the novel "Snow Falling on Cedars" by David Guterson
* San Serriffe: April Fools Day joke, "The Guardian"
* Sand Island: from the video game ""
* Scabb Island: an anarchic pirate island in the Caribbean in the game ""
* Seven Bay Island: an island off the coast of the Northeastern United States, in the Austin family series of books by Madeleine L'Engle. Setting of the novel "A Ring of Endless Light".
* Sevii Islands: a region in the fictional Pokémon universe, introduced in the "Pokémon FireRed" and "LeafGreen" video games
* Shadow Moses Island: from "Metal Gear Solid" video game
* Sheena Island: from the movie ""
* Ship-Trap Island: the setting of Richard Connell's story "The Most Dangerous Game"
* Skull Island: the island King Kong is from, also a duck-shaped island in the computergame "The Curse of Monkey Island"
* Island of Sodor: between England and the Isle of Man, the setting for the Reverend Awdry's "Thomas the Tank Engine" railway network managed by "The Fat Controller"
* Spoon Island: home of Wyndemere Castle, across the harbor of Port Charles, New York (fictional city), fictional island on the soap opera "General Hospital".
* Starfish Island: from ' and '
* Sula: a Scottish island featuring in an eponymous series of children's books by Lavinia Derwent
* Spider-Skull Island: from "The Venture Bros."
* Summerisle: a fictional Hebridean island and the setting of Robin Hardy's movie "The Wicker Man"
* Summerset Isle: the homeland of the High Elves from Bethesda's Softworks' The Elder Scrolls
* Swallow, Flint, Mango & Mastodon Islands: in the children's novel "Secret Water" by Arthur Ransome
* Tabor Island: from Jules Verne's novel "In Search of the Castaways"
* Telv Uljamue Floating Islands: the islands that held Zurrchu Eamda's base that was destroyed by Caleb Hill in the New Era series
* The Island: The Island that the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 crash on in LOST
* Tinda Lau: an island in the South Pacific, northeast of Australia, featured in the daytime soap opera "Days of Our Lives"
* Tingle Island:, home of Tingle in the Nintendo Gamecube Game ""
* Themyscira: in the Wonder Woman comics.
* Tracy Island: an island in the TV series "Thunderbirds"
* Treasure Island: the island from the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. The map of the island in the book is probably based on Unst in Shetland, which Stevenson visited. [ [ Unst island website] ]
* Tsalal: an island in the novel "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" by Edgar Allan Poe and its sequel "An Antarctic Mystery" by Jules Verne
* Tutorial Island: from "RuneScape" role-playing game
* Utopia: from Sir Thomas More's book "Utopia"
* Vanutu: from the novel "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton
* Vice City: from ""
* Villings: from "The Invention of Morel" by Adolfo Bioy Casares
* Volcano Island: from " The Replacements. An animated series.
* Voya Nui: another fictional "Bionicle" island
* Vvardenfell: the setting for the computer game ""
* Waponi Wu: from the movie "Joe Versus the Volcano"
* West Xylophone: from the They Might be Giants song "Alphabet of Nations"
* Wild Cat Island: in the children's novel "Swallows and Amazons" by Arthur Ransome
* Windfall Island: from the Nintendo Gamecube Game ""
* Yoshi's Island
* Zandia: home of Brother Blood and "safe harbor" for supervillains in "Teen Titans" and other DC Comics titles


* The island in "The Isle of Missing Ships", somewhere in the South Pacific, by Seabury Quinn.
* The island on which the plane crashed in the television series, "Lost".
* The island in "Brave New World"
* The island in "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe.
* The island in "Lord of the Flies by William Golding
* The Outer Hebrides island in the children's novel Great Northern? by Arthur Ransome
* The islands in the novels, films and TV shows called Castaway
* The island in the PC and Game Boy Advance video game "Backyard Football 2006"
* The island in the 1980 film "The Blue Lagoon"


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