Vicia ervilia

Vicia ervilia

name = Bitter vetch

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
subfamilia = Faboideae
genus = "Vicia"
species = "V. ervilia"
binomial = "Vicia ervilia"
binomial_authority = (L.) Willd.

The bitter vetch ("Vicia ervilia") is an ancient grain legume crop of the Mediterranean region. Besides the English name, other common names include: "kersannah" (Arabic), "yero" (Spanish), "rovi" (Greek), and "burcak" (Turkish). [ [ L.L. Bellido, "Grain legumes for animal feed"] in "Neglected crops: 1492 from a different perspective", J.E. Bermejo and J. Leon, editors; Plant Production and Protection Series, No. 26 (Rome: FAO), pp. 273-288] The nutritional value of the grain for ruminant production has guaranteed the continued cultivation of "V. ervilia" in Morocco, Spain and Turkey. The crop is easy to cultivate and harvest and can be grown on very shallow, alkaline soils.

Bitter vetch grain when split resembles red lentils. For human consumption the bitterness of the seeds needs to be removed through leaching by several changes of boiling water. Owing to this bitterness, it is unlikely that someone would accidentally confuse bitter vetch with red lentils.Enneking & Francis (1997) [ "Development of "Vicia ervilia" as a grain crop for Southern Australia"] ] According to Zohary and Hopf, only humans of the poorest economic classes consume this crop, or in times of famine;Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf, "Domestication of Plants in the Old World", third edition (Oxford: University Press, 2000), p. 116.] however, Pliny the Elder states that bitter vetch ("ervum") has medicinal value like vetch ("vicia"), citing the letters of Augustus where the Emperor wrote that he regained his health from a diet of bitter vetch (N.H. 18.38). As a method of torture, citizens of Jerusalem "stuffed bitter vetch into the genital passages of their victims" during the Roman siege of that city in 66 C.E. (J.W. V,428).

The grain is an excellent sheep and cattle feed concentrate. It has been held in high esteem by farmers in the Old World since the beginning of agriculture to improve the nutritional value of bulk feeds.

The wild strains of bitter vetch are limited to an area that includes Anatolia and northern Iraq, with an extension south along the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of Lebanon. Traces of the earliest domesticated instances were recovered from several archeological sites in Turkey, which have an uncorrected Radiocarbon dating of the 7th and 6th millennia BC.


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